Computers are very similar to people who may have a finite life, and like us, there are a number of disorders that cause a computer to stop the digital life. Most of these problems stem from careless handling, neglect, unhealthy environments and age, so that the average computer system, the longevity of over 10 years.

However, the negligent handling, maintenance and poorly trained users to shorten the life of a computer just like a careless lifestyle can cutshorten ours. Here is a list of the ten most common causes of catastrophic computer failure.
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10 User errors - can not shut down properly to skip scanning hard drives, a user seriously damage computer hardware, including disk drives and processors for not following the correct guidance in dealing with their car.
9 Defective production - years ago there were only a handful of companies, it now seems that the PC, there is an almost infinite number of manufacturers and assemblers, somehave extensive experience and resources, others are not more than two guys in a garage, so it is not surprising that a growing number of computer systems are faulty, if purchased new.
8 Updates bathroom. It's not just the computer says that the victims are the working poor, upgrade the computer from inexperienced technicians to perform horrendous problems and faulty add-ons such as RAM, a processor can kill instantly. Also try to "overclock" a processor can often lead to deadlylow melting.
7 USB Device margins. It seems that everything can be plugged into a USB port in those days. However, it may be that the USB device is not suitable for the operating system or may be defective, what a fatal short circuit.
6 surge / cut. Surges or unexpected power outages can not only fry the immediate loss of data, but can also make a processor unusable. It's not just the power from the network, problems caused by lightning can surge protection cable (alsoStatic telephone wires) and a fraying of the system structure can give similar results.
Powder 5. A dusty plug a ventilation openings and lock the computer causes a computer to overheat. The powder can also be a conductive material and the particles can stick on printed circuit boards and a short circuit. Even home computers if they are not cleaned properly to succumb to the problems caused by too much dust.
4 Water / liquids. Of course computers are electrical, and electrical appliances of all,Computers and water do not mix, just poured a cup of coffee may see the end of the PC.
Heat 3. The chips can run exceptionally hot and when a computer cooling is not sufficient (because the machine has been upgraded, overclocked or just get clogged with dust and dirt), is only a matter of time before parcels forever.
Cold 2. Just as with heat, can not benefit from computers in the cold too. Processors will not work at all, if the operating temperature ofCold and processors can freeze solid when the temperature drops rapidly.
1 Knocks / bangs. The computers are delicate devices that simply moving a PC in another room can have a devastating effect, disrupting the delicate circuitry and hard drives. Deleting a computer or hard knocks and bumps will be permanently damaged circuits or replace the transformer and wiring.
Of course there are the measures taken to protect a PC, as always, can be guaranteed to each computer is installed properly andUpdates are performed with care by well trained. Make sure a decent power supply is installed with surge protection also important (many computer experts will tell you that a power supply is the main component of a PC, and can not contradict) and that all devices are checked for proper operation before that (ask to see them work in the workshop) and connect the proper functioning of the operating system.
Finally, there is a convenient way to add moreProtection for your PC, in the form of a housing of the computer, especially useful if your PC has to be used in dusty or wet environments, at different temperatures and vulnerable to shocks and beatings.
This industrial PC enclosures are relatively inexpensive and can be virtually any home PC, monitor or printer. They often contain conditioners and heaters for temperature control and able to protect them from bumps and knocks extremely heavy (some even say they are bomb proof). These enclosuresalso prevent the penetration of dust and liquids (some can even be washed in an industrial environment, without fear of damage) and then a conventional PC in the most hostile of stoves, freezers, dusty shop-floor environments, and even explosive.
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